Direct bus from Hanoi to Topas Ecolodge and Sapa

Travel to Sapa in less than 6 hours

If you want to travel to Topas Ecolodge or Sapa by direct bus, we offer the best quality service on the market. You will be picked up at your Hanoi hotel and transferred directly to Topas Ecolodge or your hotel in Sapa town.

Topas Travel was founded in Denmark in 1973 and our Vietnam branch has been located in Hanoi for 20 years, we care about quality, your comfort and safety.

Our drivers are all experienced mountain drivers from Sapa and therefore used to drive in the sometimes difficult mountains terrains; all our buses follow international safety guidelines and we offer the most comfortable service for your journey to and from the mountains.

Welcome to a great bus experience from Hanoi to Sapa and back.

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